Weekly summary 01/2021

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#1 11. January 2021 - 4:27
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Last seen: 3 years 5 months ago
Joined: 11.01.2015 - 00:21

Weekly summary 01/2021


this is a summary of what was going in the doll world in the 1st week of 2021, as far as we at Dollstudio & DS Doll Europe were concerned.

1) Coronavirus situation. a) The pandemic situation in general. The pandemic play continues as scripted in the Event 201 (2019) and 5C (2017) exercise scenarios, combined with the authoritatian response from the Lock Step scenario (2010). These planning scenarios are based on the assumption that prophylaxis is not possible and no treatment exists, so what actuallly happens in the real pandemic is that scientifically proven COVID-19 prophylaxis and treatment protocols like I-MASK+ and MATH+ are suppressed all over the world. Massive manipulation and censorship dominates mass media and social media. The free world has lost their voice, and mass media have lost their legitimacy. If people wouldn't be killed by the thousands, it would be a laughable farce. But the pandemic is no joke, and refusing to treat the infected with Ivermection is nothing but maltreatment and murder at his point in time.

The solution to the pandemic exists for months:

Here are the scripts which are currently played on the global stage:

Check out the 'Lock Step' scenario from 2010 and the 'Event 201' from 2019, and compare the '5C Health Emergency Simulation Exercise' (MARS scenario) from 2017 with the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

b) Impact on the doll business. Mostly standstill for shipments departed end of November and later, but a couple of shipments were successfully delivered through the UPS special line.

2) New arrivals.

This week, two new heads were introduced:

  • Irontech ›Venus‹ head - TPE
  • WM Dolls no. 11 silicone head (= WMS no. 11) - silicone

New head variants of older heads:

  • SE Doll ›Yukari‹ head aka 由香里 - TPE (alias name for Manami aka Nanase aka Serika 芹佳 = SE no. 079)

Two new body styles were released:

As always, you can follow the latest updates in our Twitter feed: https://twitter.com/DollStudioEU

Also, we have the New products listing on all three Dollstudio websites. It is sorted in reverse chronological order, so the latest additions to our portfolio are on top of the listing:

On Dollstudio EU, there is also the New arrivals timeline http://eu.dollstudio.org/timeline with a slightly different display style.

3) Industry news.

This regular column report about things like noteworthy events, model line changes, business updates, technical updates, and dolls in development.

4) Latest blog posts.

Our daily blog posts feature mostly new photo sets, showcasing dolls and heads in various configurations.

These blog posts are mirrored on the Latest blog posts section all three Dollstudio websites. It is sorted in reverse chronological order, newest posts on top:

(EU and US sites in English, DE site in German)

5) Factory photos and shipped dolls.

This week we had no completed dolls:

6) Weekly Top 10 Dolls.

Based on our website access stats, here is the weekly report: What's trending this week?

Dollstudio EU

  1. WM Dolls WM-164/J
  2. WM Dolls WM-166/B
  3. WM Dolls WM-164/F
  4. SE Doll SE-156/E
  5. WM Dolls WM-164/D
  6. WM Dolls WM-166/C
  7. Xycolo XC-153/A
  8. Textile Doll TD-165/95 aka Linda
  9. WM Dolls WM-167/G
  10. SE Doll SE-163/C

Dollstudio US

  1. HR Doll HR-150/E
  2. Gynoid GT-172/D (Model 10)
  3. Gynoid GT-160/D (Model 5)
  4. Gynoid GT-155/E (Model 12)
  5. Xycolo XC-163/E
  6. Gynoid GT-170/E (Model 13)
  7. Doll House 168 DH20-80/E
  8. Doll House 168 DH20-80/G
  9. JY Doll JY-166/D
  10. Xycolo XC-153/E

Dollstudio DE

  1. YL Doll YL-166/G
  2. WM Dolls WM-164/J
  3. Xycolo XC-170/E
  4. Irontech IT-154/F
  5. Xycolo XC-163/E
  6. Xycolo XC-153/E
  7. Irontech IT-155
  8. Textile Doll TD-150/87 aka Paris
  9. Textile Doll TD-165/91 aka Chloe



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