Market overview vagina inserts

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#1 4. February 2018 - 22:31
Dollstudio's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 11.01.2015 - 00:21

Market overview vagina inserts


when talking about the greatest challenges for doll makers in 2018 a couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that I'd consider the darn TPE plug issue to be actually solved in the near future because of an upcoming sealant kit by Indigo. I was wrong - Indigo will not release this sealant kit for a number of consumer protection reasons (in a nutshell, handling is too complicated). So this long-standing TPE plug issue is still not resolved - neither by the manufacturers, nor by 3rd party tools.

So at this point you only have three choices to (more or less reliably) avoid rust and mould inside your doll:

  • Either discard the majority of TPE dolls available on the market and choose the one manufacturer who has actually targeted (and solved) the TPE plug issue; deciding with your wallets might encourage the (ignorant) rest of the crowd to target the TPE plug issue, too;
  • or try to seal a loose TPE plug yourself; Indigo's TPE repair kit comes in handy, but it might be a bit complicated to succeed, and the kit is not available for TPE blends;
  • or last but not least you decide to go for the insert variant of your favourite TPE lady. This does not resolve the TPE plug issue, but it mitigates it as the insert will relieve strain on the TPE plug and it is less likely to become loose.

So at this point it's time to take a closer look at the available vagina inserts on the market. This might give you a better idea if vagina inserts are a workable approach for you.


4. February 2018 - 22:53
Dollstudio's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 11.01.2015 - 00:21

Re: Market overview vagina inserts


let's start with an explanation what the problem is.

This is a factory fresh Climax Doll, model CLM-165 (~165 cm):

This picture is an inside look at the rear end of the vaginal canal. The TPE material around the vaginal canala was surgically removed. What you see is a roughly spherical object pressed into an opening. In this case it was no even attempted to glue or weld the TPE plug into the opening.

What now can happen is that this TPE plug falls out of the opening, resulting in a rear end of the vaginal canal with an opening to the inside of the doll. Through this opening, a mixture of water, lube and spem might get in contact with the skeleton. The skeleton might start to rust and mould might start to grow.

Depending on your doll the issue might be slightly different, but - with one exception - all current TPE doll designs share this (potential) problem.

An insert reduces the need to clean out the vaginal canal on a regular basis as you can take the insert out, clean it and, if necessary, replace it.

The Climax Doll insert looks like so:

Inside it has a texture and an "uterus"-like structure. I have seen this uterus design first in Japanese onaholes, about a year ago OR Doll started to optionally offer an "uterus" style insert, and with CLM it seems to have become the default.

This insert design is problematic because it's very hard to clean. In this case, the customer tried to clean the insert with some alcohol-based disinfectant, resulting in dissolving the insert surface (white areas on the left). So cleaning and drying this insert type is a challenge, and trying to disinfect TPE with alcohol might not be the best idea.

However, some cutomers value this "uterus" type insert because of an intense stimulation. And by the way, not only vagina inserts are shaped this way - even some silicone dolls with built-in (fixed) vagina inherit this design - and all potential issues with cleaning and drying.


P.S.: images above courtesy of Indigo

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13. March 2018 - 22:19
Dollstudio's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 11.01.2015 - 00:21

Re: Market overview vagina inserts


let's take a look at another insert. This one is from Doll Sweet and goes by the name "type G".

The insert is something around ~16 cm long. Not quite spacious, but should be sufficient for most average males. At least in regard to length.

This silicone insert has a mushroom-like shape; generally, that's not a bad idea considering that some dolls like the EX-lite are not easy to clean and/or can not be showered. For a fabric doll, this mushroom shape makes a lot of sense.

Also, at first sight the insert looks quite nice. But when looking closer it does not look right - I have never seen a grown-up woman with a small vagina like this.

And it's getting worse:

The opening has approximately the same diameter like a lead pencil. Honestly guys, who has a 'pencil' in his pants that could fit into this hole? According to DS, this insert is "better for sex". Really?

Yeah, silicone is stretchy and will dilate, you might say. I tried that, first with my index finger and then with a steel speculum.

Result: I could hardly penetrate this "type G" insert with my index finger. When spreading the opening and forcing the way into this tiny opening, it starts to tear everywhere:

And now it gets from "bad" to "idiotic" (my opinion)…

Not only the opening hole is sized for pencils…

…the whole thing is sized for pencils:

In regard to it's size, this canal is not a vagina but rather a dilated urethra. Or maybe it's sized like a the vagina of a child, I don't know. As far as I can tell, the size of this insert has nothing to do with an adult womans anatomy.

Whoever designed this thing - the vaginal canal in an adult human woman is designed by nature to give birth to a child. This insert could never give birth to a human child. Maybe it could give birth to an earthworm. Inserts like this are nothing but an insult for an average Caucasian male. They are totally useless for sex.

Doll Sweet is capable to design very fine inserts, for example "type B". The "B" insert accomodates to any average Caucasian male. But the "G" type is total crap (my opinion) - unless someone explains to me for which use case this thing is designed.


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