Content types
Content types
Dollbase has the following Content types with the following relations:
A Manufacturer owns a brand and makes dolls respectively bodies and/or heads; a manufacturer might have one or more resellers.
Examples: Abyss Creations, Mechadoll Europe, Sinthetics.
A Brand is a trademark of a manufacturer and might signify a product line as well. Series, dolls, bodies, and/or heads might be attached to a brand.
Examples: Hitdoll, Onedoll, Boy Toy Dolls, Wicked RealDoll
A Series is a product line consisting of dolls, bodies and/or heads. Dolls, bodies, and/or heads might be attached to a series.
Examples: Abyss Creations RealDoll 2, Dream Doll Creations Original
A Doll is a complete product, either a one-piece doll, or a combination of components like a body and a head.
A Body is a component of a doll; it is, for example, to be used to distinguish different exchangable body types that can be combined with one or different heads.
A Head is a component of a doll; it is, for example, to be used to distinguish different exchangable head types that can be combined with one or different bodies.
A Reseller sells dolls respectively bodies and/or heads, but does not make them.
Also, there are several types for side content:
A Timeline event is a content particle with a required date component. Timeline events can be attached to other content types and are aggregated in a global timeline.
A Glossary item is used for definitions or explanations about non-common terminology. All glossary items are aggregated into the DollBase Glossary.
A Gallery consists of images or videos and can be connected with other content types. All galleries are aggregated into the DollBase Galleries page.
A Help page - like the one you are reading right now - is used for system documentation and should explain how DollBase can be used and how it works.