Chinese New Year holidays schedule 2023

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#1 30. December 2022 - 0:58
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Joined: 11.01.2015 - 00:21

Chinese New Year holidays schedule 2023


Chinese New Year (春節 / 春节) is closing in!

The new lunar year will be the year of the rabbit (兔, ). It begins on January 22nd, 2023 and ends on February 24th, 2024.

The new year is tied with "Spring Festival" public holidays which last for a week (January 21st–27th, 2023). However, celebrations may last up to 16 days.

Impact on economy.

Together with the "Golden Week" in October, new year celebrations are the most important holidays in China.

Around this date, huge parts of China's economy go into 'sleeping beauty' mode. Shipping carriers shut down, and factories close their doors.

As every year, this will affect Chinese doll makers, too. Most factories close, and even those who do not close will not be able to ship for at least a week. So delays are to be expected for everything not kept on stock outside of China.

I will update this thread with factory closing times as they come in.

Factory closing schedules.

  • WM Dolls/WM Doll (Jinsan factory): January 16th to 25th, 2023 - cut-off date is January 5th
  • Irontech Doll: cut-off dates are January 6th (silicone) respectively January 10th (TPE)
  • SE Doll: January 13th to February 1st, 2023 - cut-off is January 6th

During the holidays, the production and shipment in China will be stopped. New orders will be accepted as usual and processed after CNY holidays in February 2023.

How to get a doll during Chinese New Year holidays.

Two options are available to get a doll during Chinese New Year holidays:

  • Get a doll from stock. We have a selection of completed dolls in the For sale section. Also, a couple of manufacturers offer pre-produced dolls which can be shipped from warehouses in the U.S., the EU and Australia (e.g. Jarliet and SE Doll).
  • Get a doll from a American or European doll maker. Doll makers like Textile Doll continue the manufacturing of dolls throughout February without any special delay as CNY does not affect them.
