Reference - Doll House 168 ›Faye‹ head

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#1 17. August 2016 - 4:21
Dollstudio's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 11.01.2015 - 00:21

Reference - Doll House 168 ›Faye‹ head


another posting in the reference threads for heads without customs makeup.

This is the beautiful ›Faye‹ head aka 菲 by Doll House 168.

Faye was originally a head for a silicone doll, and it is a DH168 exclusive. However, this head is made of TPE and fits to the DH168 body styles DH-158, DH-161, and DH-161 Plus.

Faye "unplugged" without wig:

Faye "unplugged" with random brown wig:

Faye "unplugged" with random blonde wig:

Faye "unplugged" with another random blonde wig:

Faye "unplugged" with a chestnut brown wig by Songmics/Ziel/Loutoff:

And, last but not least, Faye "unplugged" with her short-haired blonde wig:

That is how her character works for me best Wink

Hope this helps…
